PlantSight Essentials Help

Layout and Settings

Users & Roles is used to add, remove and modify users from project teams, and to assign and manage roles for the project team members. The user list is searchable and can be filtered.

The Manage Project Team Members page consists of a tool bar for managing team members, menus for selecting team member roles, and a list of all team members and their roles in the project. For example,

Modify Role(s) Used to change the role of the selected user(s). Opens the Assign to Role dialog where you can move Available Roles to the Role(s) to be Assigned group. When you make a change, the Modify Role(s) button is activated. Click it to complete.
Remove Removes the selected user(s). A warning dialog opens prompting you to Remove the user(s).
Search Users Searches for users by typing their names or email addresses. The list updates as you enter names in the search field.
Manage Roles Opens the Project Role Management page. Here, you are presented with detailed role access and services permission settings.
Add User(s) Adds users to the project from a pool of registered users. Opens the Add Team Member(s) dialog. Here you can search for users by name or email, and add them to your project team. The dialog responds with a list of users found that match the search criteria. Select a user to add and press .

The dialog expands with the added user information. This is where you set the new user Role. Enter a Project invite message, and click .

Import Users Imports user(s) from a *.csv file. Browse for a correct file to import users from.
Note: The import file must be formatted correctly. Click Download Sample File to get a file which you can save as your import file.

Opens the Upload Team Members dialog where you can setup a bulk notifications. Click Submit when you are ready to send the notifications.

Manage Access and Billing Manages project access and billing settings.
Allow external team members When selected, allows the invitation process to be extended to team members from external organizations.
Cover the cloud service usage for external team members When selected, your organization is responsible for the usage costs of the external team members for the current project.
External Organizations Lists external organizations which are collaborating on the project.
Save Saves changes you made in Project Access and Billing Settings.
Cancel Discards changes you made in Project Access and Billing Settings.